
Commercializing Space
The Final Frontier

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Humanity’s future depends on
exploring Space: The Final Frontier.

The universe is composed of ordinary and mirror matter. Ordinary matter can be solid, liquid, gas or plasma and is composed of 118 elements. Mirror matter, like ordinary matter, can be solid, liquid, gas or plasma and composed of 118 antimatter elements. Antimatter element’s physical, chemical, and nuclear characteristics are known to the same detain as matter elements and incorporated into the Periodic Table of Matter & Antimatter Elements.

Hannes Alfven, Father of Modern Plasma Science, developed the “Plasma Universe.” In the Plasma Universe, symmetry exists between ordinal and mirror matter plus there are equal quantities ordinary and mirror matter rather than the “Big Bang Model” with no mirror matter.  Anthony Peratt’s developed computer models showing two white holes in the center of galaxies are ejecting spiral arms of ordinary and mirror matter stars and planets. The solar system is composed of ordinary matter but where is the mirror matter?

You will learn where mirror matter is located in the solar system. Mirror Energy is created from converting ordinary and mirror matter according to Einstein’s equation:
E = mc² and is ten billion times more efficient than chemical energy. Technology exists for converting mirror matter directly into electromagnetic propulsion for commercial airplanes, spacecraft and starships plus electricity for people’s homes, vehicles and businesses.

The Space Economy grows from $1 trillion to $100 trillionSpacecraft will take millions of tourists, entrepreneurs, and explorers to rotating Love Boat in Space in minutes, communities on the Moon in hours, and Mars in days. Starships, like the Star Trek Enterprise, will take millions of people to hundreds of Earth-like planets orbiting the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy in weeks.

The World’s Economy grows from $100 trillion to $1,000 trillionThe World’s Energy Crisis is solved by generating clean mirror energy, reallocating resources, and providing students with a World Class Education. The World’s population grows to ten billion people. Three billion jobs are created. Products are made from coal, oil, and natural gas rather than burning them and destroying Earth’s environment.

Exploring Space turns Star Trek into reality and
enables Humanity to live in harmony with nature.

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