
Mirror Energy

Commercializing Space requires Leadership

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The “Space Age” began on October 4, 1957 when Soviet Union launched Sputnik satellite that weighed 40 kilograms, traveled at eight kilometers per second, and orbited Earth once in evert 96 minutes. Today, there are estimated 3,400 operational commercial and military satellites plus 2,600 defunct satellites orbiting Earth. Big Tech companies have established the Internet and changed to world.

Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek TV episodes and movies are about humanity’s future adventures into space. In 1966, the first Star Trek TV episode took place  with Captain James T. Kirk and a crew aboard the U.S.S, Enterprise. Its five year mission was to explore the Milky Way Galaxy and to “boldly go where one has gone before.” Humanity joins the United Federation of Planets. Millions of people have watched over 740 Star Trek episodes and 13 moves.

Enterprisers have turned the following Star Trek technologies into reality: Tablet computers, Tractor beams, Tricorders, Cell phones, Flip communicators (and wearable badge communicators), Hypo Sprays, Cloaking devices, Voice interface computers, Transparent aluminum, Bluetooth headsets , Google Glass, Portable memory (from floppy disks to USB sticks), Focused ultrasound technology, Biometric data tracking for health and verifying identity, GPS, Automatic doors, Big screen displays, Teleconferencing, VISOR bionic eyes for the blind, and Diagnostic beds

Von Braun’s planned to build a rotating space station orbiting Earth for thousands of people to experience the adventures of space. After the technology was developed to land man on the Moon on 20 July 1969 and built the rotating space station, NASA took a bureaucratic approach. NASA spent over $1 trillion during the last fifty years building and operating the International Space Station plus researching and studying space without going back to the Moon.

In the next fifteen years, the Space Economy grows from $1 trillion to over $10 trillion.  Elon Musk has reduced NASA’s space shuttle cost from $54,500 per kilogram to SpaceX Falcon 9 cost of $2,720 per kilogram. SpaceX’s major break throughs have come through recovering and reusing as much of the rocket and launch vehicle.

Entrepreneurs are expected to drive down the cost to less than $270 per kilogram  SpaceX is not the only private company providing launch services – Orbital ATK, recently purchased by Northrop GrummanUnited Launch Alliance and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin are players have emerged.

Mirror Energy’s new energy source is ten billion times more efficient than chemical energy. Spacecraft replace rockets to take millions of tourists on space adventures on von Braun’s  rotating “Love Boats in the Sky” orbiting Earth in minutes, underground communities on the Moon in hours, Mars and asteroid belt in days, plus Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in weeks.

Spacecraft are like airplanes and use commercial airports, which significantly reduces the cost of space travel. The estimated cost per person for traveling to International Space Stations or “Love Boats in the Sky” could be reduced from $50 million to $10,000 and the Moon from $20,000. U.S. Space Force protects commercial spacecraft and communities on the Moons and planets.

In the 21st century, the Space Economy grows to over $100 trillion as commercial spacecraft travel the solar system and commercial starships take millions of explorers to some of the 200 billion stars and a trillion planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. Starships travel in space bubbles and use force fields, warp drives, quantum computers, replicators, transporters (Beam me up), and holodecks.

United States Space Force might join the United Federation of Planets. Star Trek Prime Directive is adopted to prohibit interference with other cultures and civilizations representatives encountered in the exploration of space. The United Federation of Planets negotiates peace agreements with other civilizations that are encountered in the exploration of space.

The Energy Economy  solves the World’s Energy Crisis and bring every country into the 21st century by generating clean energy, reallocating natural resources, and providing students with a World-Class Education. Spacecraft and starships protect humanity from tyrants and enables billions of people on Earth to live in peace and harmony with nature. The World’s Economies will grow to over $1,000 trillion.

Trekkies and people interested in understanding humanity’s future in space should attend the 58 Year Mission Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas on August 1 through 4, 2024.

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